
The Art of AstonishmentBooks are modern classics!  This is a requirement of any magician’s library!

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Volume 1 Highlights:

  • The Light & Heavy Dime – A re-make of Robert Houdin’s famous Light and Heavy Chest using a common dime which ends up permanently stuck in the most uncommon place. This will become the “Card-on-the- Ceiling” of Coin Magic.
  • Lip Balm – An organic, “naturally-gimmicked” coin box (a special brand of Lip Balm) that climaxes with a container full of Lip Balm.
  • Ultimate Rip Off or Dancing with the Last Piece – The ultimate bluff ending for Paul’s Torn ‘n’ Restored Card twenty years later, a way to restore the last piece.
  • Creation – Patrick Martin’s practical “workers” approach of producing a live moth to create maximum astonishment.
  • Shell Shock – Gregory Wilson’s practical technique for blowing a hardboiled egg right out of its shell then finding a marked coin inside its yolk.
  • Tunnel Vision – A just-barely-possible way to make yourself disappear using a rolled-up paper tube and more nerve than most of us possess.

Pages 312 – Hard Bound