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If you want to own the 2 volume set of M.I.N.T 1 and M.I.N.T 2, this bundle is for you!  We’ve got the best deal you’ll find!
Get both hardboundBooks and save 10%.  This is a must-have for every serious card magician.

Included in this bundle

M.I.N.T #2 by Edward Marlo (Hardcover Book or eBook Instant Download)


This is the long-awaited second volume!

To buy M.I.N.T #1, click HERE!


The legendary cardician of this century, Edward Marlo, provided magicians with more card miracles and miraculous techniques than any teacher in this century. His mind-expanding contributions to The New Tops Magazine for over 20 years have been collected in the acclaimed M.I.N.T series. Learn Marlo's methods to routines as Think Touch Turn, Radical Departure, Diamond Cut Diamond, and Collector's, as well as sleights like The Slip Count Principle, Wrist Turn Passes and Moveable Card Pass. 416 pages, over 300 illustrations. Contents: Introduction: Jon Racherbaumer 1968 May: More Deuce Sandwiches July: Marlo's Logic August: Beveled Edge Second Deal September: Ace Vanishes October: The Fake Pickup December: Latest Ace Vanishes 1969 January: Somersaulting A - 2 - 3 March: Moveable Card Pass August: Slip Count Principle 1970 January: Wrist Turn Passes 1972 August: Long Distance Collectors December: Diminishing Universal/Colorful Surprise 1973 April: Notes on D. C. D. August: Still Collecting/ Reverso November: Deuce Sandwich Switch 1974 February: Invisible Thought Transference June: Think Touch Turn August The Marlo Shelf November: Bottom Deal Exchange December: New Approach Location 1975 March: Center Deal Effects April: New Card Add June: Instant Coin Assembly August: A Radical Departure October: Marlo's Wrist Turn Passes November: Variations of a Palm 1976 January: More Mental Reverses March: Olrarn Turnover Switch April: Double Departure June: Something to Borrow Again August Spectator Cuts Aces September: Spectator Cuts to Locate The Aces November: Marlo Switchout 1977 February: Inexplicable Reverse April: Trite Trickery June: A Voice From the Past July: Wrist Turn Change Plus August: The One You Choose Is The One We Use November: One Way, Two Selections 1978 January: Two Limited Selections February: Reversed Image March: Simplex D. C. D. April: Double D. C. D. August: Touch Turn in Reverse 1979 January: Marlo's Almost Perfect Stop Trick February: Block Turnover Principle Applications March: Red Black Transposition April: Variation of Phase Four May: Mental Reselection

M.I.N.T #1 by Edward Marlo (Hardcover Book or eBook Instant Download)


To buy Mint #2, click HERE!


M.I.N.T. Volume 1 by Edward Marlo is the first in a series recounting nearly a quarter century of outstanding contributions by Edward Marlo to The New TOPS Magazine. Completely re-illustrated and organized; here is a reference source of sleights and tricks that have become legendary. Now you can have this wealth of material at your fingertips, with a complete table of contents for easy referencing. Containing 53 Marlo masterpieces, M.I.N.T. Volume 1 is a valuable reference source that your library cannot afford to be without. Spanning 365 pages and completely illustrated with over 350 line drawings by Sonny Narvaez, this collection contains what Mr. Marlo called some of his best work. Contents: Publisher's Preface: Louis Falanga Introduction: Jon Racherbaumer Foreword: Edward Marlo 1963 June: Clipped Thought July: Cardician Makes Good August: Remember And Forget September: The Incomplete Faro October: A Table Pass November: The Homing Card December: Gad - About Aces TRICK ANNUAL: Original Homing Card Routine 1964 January: Preview To A Chapter February: Vanishing Aces And Face Up Switch & Effect March: The Blue Thought April: Atfus / Mental Reverse III May: (Bonus): Marlo's Coin Pass May: Mindreading Queen June: The Mental Sandwich July: The Fufu Switch August: A Flourish To Reverse September: Marlo's Princess October: After The Princess November: Siamese Strangers December: Incomplete Faro Control 1965 January: Incomplete Faro/Multiple Peeks February: Packet Switches March: A Problem Posed April: Card And Coins May: Glide Variation June: Table Reverse And Effect August: Impromptu Coin And Cards September: As An Opener October: A Multiple Effect November: The Olram Subtlety December: Marlo's Aces 1966 January: New Palm Position February: The M.P. Side Steal March: The Action Lift (The Turn Around) April: The Mental Topper May: In Spectator's Hands June: The Prayer Cull July: The Matching Miracle 1967 January: Marlo Handles Mexican Joe February: Ever Ready-Black Routine March: The Opportune Miracle May: Ultra Torn and Restored Card June: One Hand Card Switches July: New Tabled Palms August: Simulated Pickup September: The Promise October: The Other Method November: Pull Down Eliminator December: The Cigar Bottom Deal 1968 January: Drop Sleight Technique February: Visual Change - Appearance - Vanish March: The Illusionary Bottom Deal April: P. D. Mental Stab