The most iconic deck of cards ever created for magicians, cardists, and collectors!
Execute incredible sleights, flourishes, and cardistry with ease!
- Traditionally cut, making them perfect for faro work- they will shuffle bottom up!
- Printed on Premium stock (formally called Bee stock), thin crushed to the thickness of an original Jerry’s card.
- Printed on the WEB PRESS, so they are printed one sheet (one deck) at a time, ensuring OUTSTANDING handling.
In 1970, Jerry’s Nugget Casino printed what would become one of the most collectible playing card decks ever manufactured by the United States Playing Card Company (USPCC). They made them for the tables but opted not to use them and put them in storage for 20 years! Playing card expert, Lee Asher, recognized the unique quality and feel of these cards and began evangelizing about them. In due course, Jerry’s Nugget playing cards became legendary.
By the fall of 1999, these cards sold out, yet the demand continued to grow. Today, authentic Jerry’s Nugget cards are among the most desirable and expensive modern decks on the market. After more than three years of pursuit and negotiation, a deal with Jerry’s Nugget Casino and Expert Playing Card Company is making them available again!