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Andrus Card Control #2 (Instant Download)
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Here in Volume 2, John Redmon continues to build on the foundation from Volume 1 as he introduces the first moves and routines taught in Andrus Card Control. Additionally, he presents in-depth teaching on one of the most famous techniques of the legendary Jerry Andrus: the Multiple Card Insertion Control. You will learn how to insert from 2 to 6 cards into individual places in the deck and, without shuffling or cutting, control those cards to in-jogs, side-jog, and diagonal jogs. Coupled with Volume 1, this volume rounds out the foundation needed to master the moves from Andrus Card Control that were hailed by great magicians such as Dai Vernon and Charlie Miller as revolutionizing card control. Includes:-
- Intro
- Shifting the Angles Principle and Application
- Blocking Movement Principle
- Drift Shift Control
- Diagonal Jog Push-In Control - Multiple Cards (packet of 2-6 cards)
- Diagonal Jog Push-In Control - Multiple Cards (2-6 cards inserted into different parts of the deck)
- INJOGTO Move (in-jog turnover) Version 1
- INJOGTO Move (in-jog turnover) Version 2
- Gambler's Aces Routine - Demonstration and Explanation
- In-Jog Addition Control
- Clip Slip Control
- Clip Slip to Top or Bottom Versions
- Card-Tration Routine - Demonstration and Explanation (Card Through Handkerchief using the clip slip)
- Andrus at Halloween

Andrus Card Control #3 (Instant Download)
Click this link for a page to conveniently view and select any of the 8 volumes from the Andrus Card Control series: CLICK HERE!
John Redmon continues his master class on Jerry Andrus's legendary material! This volume focuses on the Sidewinder move and its incredible applications. Includes:- Intro
- Sidewinder Shift (book method)
- New Sidewinder Shift (Jerry's last version)
- Sidewinder Shift to Top of Bottom
- Sidewinder Shift with Multiple Cards
- Using Poker Sized Cards
- Card to Any Small Number Performance and Explanation
- Sidewinder Deal
- Tracker Jacks Explanation
- Sidewinder Clip
- Sidewinder Palm
- Sidewinder Shuffle (multiple card control)
- Sidewinder Turnover (reversal)
- Any Card Thought of to Any Number Thought of Performance and Explanation
- Conclusion

Andrus Card Control #4 (Instant Download)
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The in-depth teaching of moves taught here in Volume 4 will allow you to begin to fully master and use the strength of the Andrus Card Control approach. These moves are not difficult in their mechanics since they rely fully on the Diagonal Jog Push In Control taught in Volume 1. They are some of Jerry's most potent and versatile moves used by the legendary Jerry Andrus in his live shows. Includes:- The Sneak Peek (Single and multiple cards)
- The Twivot Move (Twist + Pivot. Considered to be the most versatile move in Andrus Card Control using multiple or single cards.)
- Table Reverse Shuffle (Reversing one or more cards in the deck from a table riffle shuffle.)
- The Four Ace Routine from Andrus Card Control
- Drag Strip to Card Case (A move and choreographed sequence to steal a card from the deck and produce it from the card case.)
- The Legendary Andrus Side Steal (Plus Jerry's version of a Delayed Side Steal.)
- Banditry (Moves taught so far where you can put rubber bands around the deck and still execute the card controls.)

Andrus Card Control #5 (Instant Download)
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In Volume 5, Jerry's famous Panoramic Shift is taught in detail using single and multiple cards inserted into the deck in different places. As you'll see in this trailer, these very cards end up on the top of the deck! This move is probably the most well-known move of Jerry's amongst magicians. Several other moves based on the Panoramic Shift are also taught. Includes:- The Panoramic Clip (Single and Multiple Cards)
- The Banded Panoramic Shift
- The Short-Wave Pass (Multiple Cards)
- The Side Shift
- The Swivel Shift

Andrus Card Control #6 (Instant Download)
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Vol 6 of Andrus Card Control teaches the Ginza Shift for controlling multiple cards to the top, bottom or into a palm position. In the words of Jerry Andrus himself, "This is one of the most potent moves I created." Additionally, you will learn how to sleeve from one to four cards with the Ginza Shift. John will also teach techniques for palming a card directly from an insertion; how to create a double on top of the deck from a card insertion, and a powerful reversal technique for a selected card. He will then teach four of Jerry's techniques for sleeving one to four cards from the insertion into the deck. Finally, John will show some different ways you can combine or execute some of the moves you have already learned in this series. Includes:- Ginza Shift
- Ginza Shift to Card Case
- Sleeving with the Ginza Shift
- Side Delivery Palm
- Side Delivery Turn Over
- Side Delivery Double
- Sleeving from the Deck
- Snap Sleeving
- Right Little Finger Sleeving
- Sleeving with a Handkerchief
- Renaissance Moves (Applications for combining Jerry's moves)

Andrus Card Control #7 (Instant Download)
Click this link for a page to conveniently view and select any of the 8 volumes from the Andrus Card Control series: CLICK HERE!
On this volume John Redmon will teach more of the moves Tony Giorgio called the "Andrus Legend Moves." These moves are part of a group of moves that Jerry Andrus use to fool some of the top-card magicians like Dai Vernon and Charlie Miller. John will cover the Master Move called "The Heel Steal Pivot" that will enable you to execute additions, switches, doubling and tripling moves as well as forcing multiple cards on multiple spectators where they have free choice of the cards they select. John will also teach many of the principles that Jerry used to embed his secret moves in a series of justified and logical movements that do not arouse suspicion in the minds of the audience. Includes:- Three of Jerry's methods for obtaining a break under multiple cards right in front of the audience
- The Heel Steal Pivot
- The Center Palm Pivot
- The Heel Steal Force (Plus several applications/routines)
- The Heel Steal Addition (Both book applications)
- The Heel Steal Addition Turnover and Displays
- The Heel Steal Switch (a four for four switch)
- The Itaewon Switch (The four for four switch John created based on the Heel Steal Pivot)
- The Doubling Move (Also how to use the mechanics to create triples)
- Jerry's Thoughts on Creativity and Innovation

Andrus Card Control #8 (Instant Download)
Click this link for a page to conveniently view and select any of the 8 volumes from the Andrus Card Control series: CLICK HERE!
You have the opportunity to learn the crown jewel of Jerry Andrus' famous close -up act at the Magic Castle, The Whispering Aces, on this volume. John Redmon will teach an in-depth, step-by-step class on each of the three phases along with the psychology, justifications, patter and thinking of how Jerry structured this routine.
Includes:- The Short-Wave Pass (A review of Vol 5)
- The Heel Steal Change
- The Swing Shift
- The Cancelled Count
- The entire three-phase Whispering Aces routine

Andrus Card Control #1 (Instant Download)
Click this link for a page to conveniently view and select any of the 8 volumes from the Andrus Card Control series: CLICK HERE!
In this foundational volume, John Redmon, close friend and student of the legendary Jerry Andrus, will teach you 5 different versions of the Diagonal Jog Push-In Control along with applications for in-jogs, side-jogs, and diagonal-jogs. John will also share insights and nuances to this Master Move that have never been put into print or taught by anyone except by Jerry Andrus in one-on-one sessions. This volume lays the foundation for you to learn this key move that unlocks the legendary Andrus Card Control System. Includes:- Intro
- CLIVOT Control
- Diagonal Jog Push-In Control - Master Move
- Diagonal Jog Push-In Control - At the Fingertips Version
- Diagonal Jog Push-In Control - Timed Version
- Diagonal Jog Push-In Control - Twizted Control
- Diagonal Jog Push-In Control - Bevel Control
- Misdirection and Movement Principles
- In-Jog Techniques
- Diagonal-Jog Techniques
- Side-Jog Techniques
- Personal Insights About Being Friends with Jerry Andrus