The Spider Deck is an exclusive full bleed black deck on a regular Bicycle deck, featuring white and red pips with vibrant colors that pop! Along with the standard 52 playing cards, the deck also includes 4 unique gaff cards so that you can perform some amazing effects. Instructions for these effects are included. You need this deck!
Rather than the traditional white background, these cards are custom printed with a striking black background, making the red and white pips really POP!
Bonus cards included:
- Specially printed color changing card.
- Two of Clubs with Ace of Diamonds pip
- Joker with white spider on it
- Ace of Spades (double sided- one side with the spider, one side with no spider)
- Ace of Spades with no spider, Bicycle back
- Ace of Spades on a WHITE card, back of card is Bicycle back, half red and half blue